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Giles Sibbald
Feb 25, 20244 min read
Unknown pleasures.
"And we don't understand that life only starts at the edge of the unknown. That's where life starts." - Chef José Andrés Curious...

Giles Sibbald
Jan 23, 20243 min read
Mumbai hipshaking.
The end has no end. And so we said see ya to Mumbai. Six days of waking up on the edge of Bandra West's Hill Road, where life made no...

Giles Sibbald
Nov 30, 20222 min read
Forest Bathing – live and unplugged (almost)
As part of this experimenting malarkey, I headed into the forest to do some bathing. Did Shinrin Yoku immerse me? Have you pictured those...

Giles Sibbald
Nov 27, 20223 min read
Could this be how a future world is created by the people for the people?
Why socialstructing and democratising work could re-invent the way we live Social reward — connections, relationships, discovery,...

Giles Sibbald
Nov 27, 20223 min read
A case of mistaken identity…or just another time, another planet?
Here's how I started to craft my future life Gen X. Not Billy Idol’s former band. My birth cohort. I’m sandwiched in between the Boomers...

Giles Sibbald
Nov 27, 20223 min read
Face your fears
Is the short term discomfort of facing a fear a fair price to pay for getting a life where you can be in charge? “Face Your Fears” has...

Giles Sibbald
May 2, 20212 min read
How an experimental mindset podcast changed my mindset
It's all in the mindset Listening to podcasts wasn't really my thing. I wasn't open to changing my information grabbing comfort zones...

Giles Sibbald
Dec 4, 20204 min read
The power of social rewards
How the social designers of the South London Arts Lab are building a movement that shows the new way forward for creating, working,...

Giles Sibbald
Oct 11, 20202 min read
is there a plan B….anyone?
why we need to develop new skills I love music. It’s been in my life since I was, maybe 8 years old when I had to choose an instrument at...

Giles Sibbald
Oct 11, 20203 min read
curiosity killed the cat...
why curiosity is important for ourselves and businesses Children are curious. It doesn't matter what they are curious about, it matters...

Giles Sibbald
Oct 11, 20203 min read
experimental mindset at work
live your life as an experiment to overcome fears Here at Hey Sunday HQ, we’ve started to live life as an experiment. We’re not actually...

Giles Sibbald
Oct 7, 20203 min read
evolutionary emotional intelligence
how emotional intelligence fits in to the multi-stage life and future of work So I think this is the last of the three blogs I wrote last...

Giles Sibbald
Oct 7, 20203 min read
returning to a place…
why a multi-hyphen, company of one vibe works for me This is the second piece that I wrote in July 2019. The quote from Mandela below was...

Giles Sibbald
Oct 6, 20202 min read
did you really quit your job?
or…it's about time you quit your job! I wrote a few pieces in 2019 shortly after quitting my job and the corporate life. They’ve never...

Giles Sibbald
Jun 1, 20202 min read
go with the flaw
how to live a life that is true and authentic to us Lizzy Goodman’s account of a significant period in rock n roll music “Meet Me In the...

Giles Sibbald
Apr 16, 20202 min read
are we destined to be forever defined by our job?
And there you have it. Tim is about to be defined by his work. As the booze flows, there’ll be cries of “Hey, it’s Tim the accountant!” acro

Giles Sibbald
Apr 16, 20202 min read
are you living with the hungry ghost too?
Journey. This word is used a LOT, right?
When I'm thinking about my own life, I don't think of it as a journey.

Giles Sibbald
Apr 15, 20202 min read
man, i'm sick of setbacks. here's how i fight back
We feel this disappointment but the more attached we are to the outcome the more the disappointment becomes an inhibitor to moving for
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